Advertise with Kentucky NORML

As a leader in the cannabis industry, you know just how critical it is to continue to push for cannabis reform. You also know that without consumers, there is no industry. It’s NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, that has been fighting for the rights of cannabis consumers since 1970.

Kentucky NORML’s mission has been sustained since 2017, thanks to the generosity of our donors and our carefully cultivated organic grassroots support. When your business joins the fight for sensible, fair cannabis policy reform once and for all, you can do well by doing good and gain exclusive exposure to Kentucky NORML’s audience.

Show KY Patients & Consumers that you are fighting for them.

Annual Sponsorship

As an Annual sponsor of Kentucky NORML, we’ll add your company logo, link, and a brief description to our Sponsors page, generating a nice SEO boost, and will provide an official KY NORML Sponsor logo for use on the company’s website.

Annual sponsorships begin at $1000.

Connect with Patients and Consumers.

Business Directory Listing

A Listing on our Business Directory is a great way to support our ongoing fight for reform as well as gain exclusive exposure to the audience and community of Kentucky NORML.  

With a specific niche of thousands of users, sessions, followers, and pageviews of web traffic each month, our website is a smart and forward-thinking way to reach out to cannabis patients, adult consumers, advocates, and supporters throughout the state of Kentucky.

Connect with leaders and decision makers.

Event Sponsorship

Sponsoring a KY NORML event provides an opportunity for businesses to connect with cannabis leaders and consumers in Kentucky. Event sponsor’s logo and link are included on the event webpages and emails, with opportunities for welcome bag inclusions, event tickets, reception hosting, and promo tables. Kentucky NORML event sponsorships begin at $500.

With thousands of users, sessions, and pageviews of web traffic each month, it’s no wonder Kentucky NORML has a ready made advertising platform for cannabis and hemp brands operating in the Kentucky market.